
"Mini" extruder

"Medium" extruder

Rheology instruments

Rotational rheometer

Capillary rheometer

Electrospinning instruments

Pilot scale

Device designed by our laboratory

Other pieces of equipment

Among the other manufacturing and characterization pieces of equipment in our laboratory are:

-Injection moulding machine
-Hydraulic press
-Mixer, grinder, pelletizer
-PVT device
-Melt-strength measuring instrument

In addition, we have access to:

-Optical, electron and atomic force microscopes
-X-ray diffraction
-Thermal analysis (Differntial scanning calorimetry, Thermogravimetric analysis, Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis)
-Chemical analysis (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry)
-Equipment to measure mechanical properties (impact, tensile, compression, fatigue)
-Equipment to measure electrical properties (impedance, BDS)
-Weathering chambers